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OARDC scientists are helping Ohio prepare for, defend against avian flu
level.”—Bill Knapke Protecting $2.3 billion, 14,600 jobs Ohio’s poultry industry is worth $2.3 billion and ... directly supports more than 14,600 jobs, according to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Nationally, Ohio ...
14 billion ways honey bees let you eat
eat, valued at more than $14 billion annually in the U.S. But this valuable resource is at risk. During ... we eat, valued at more than $14 billion a year in the U.S. … and how OARDC works to protect them ...
Wooster Campus
capitalizing on the agricultural biosciences. Located on OARDC's Wooster campus, the 95-acre site will ...
Want to Add Solar Power on Your Farm? Go to This Workshop
incentives exist that can help them get started. So say the organizers of a March 10 workshop at the Ohio ... required. Contact Wicks at or 330-202-3533 for details and to register. Women- and ...
New buzz on bees and crops: New answers, more questions, ‘good potential’ for joint research
than $14 billion a year. Corn, however, is pollinated by the wind, while soybeans are mostly ...
Teaming up with farmers to protect Ohio’s water
surface and subsurface runoff at the sites. To contact the scientist: Elizabeth Dayton at ...
Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center
10,000 sq ft of greenhouse space for plant culture and seed production, a field nursery, and a container ...
Lead in Drinking Water: Ohio Leads the Way. What More Is Needed?
Also to feature student teams The program will also feature 10 teams of 40 Ohio State seniors, who will ... includes breakfast, is $10 for network members and the public and is free for Ohio State students. Details ...
HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Fertile or futile? What ties Ahead in Soil Fertility Research for Ohio Farmlands
outreach over the next 5-10 years. ...
Super Berry School
information. The deadline to register is March 14. ...