
Search results

  1. Organic Grain Production an Appealing, Yet Challenging Farming Practice

    responsibility. The United States market for organic products has increased at least 20 percent within the past 10 ... Agriculture Research and Education Site on St. Rt. 582 near Bowling Green, Ohio. The cost of the program is ...

  2. Quality Assurance

    the $10 out-of-county fee in order to make another reservation.   4-H’ers who are also currently high ...

  3. Quality Assurance

    the $10 out-of-county fee in order to make another reservation.   4-H’ers who are also currently high ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-36

    ear rot, Gibberella ear rot is generally most severe when rain and wet weather occur during the 7-10 ... development in storage. For long-term storage, dry grain to 13-14% moisture. 4. Store dried grain at cool ...

  5. New, Better Way to Farm in Cities? Talk is Friday (1/21) at OSU

    problems and maximize harvests and profits. Earning $10 per row foot, or the equivalent of up to $100,000 ...

  6. Tree Sale Saturday (4/23) in Secrest Arboretum

    Development Center (OARDC), which was damaged by the tornado as well. Hours are 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the ...

  7. 'The Well-Placed Human': Talk on Religion, Environment Is Tuesday (4/5)

    Care in God’s Garden,” from 8:30-10 p.m. this Tuesday (4/5) at the Holy Grounds of St. Thomas More ...

  8. Webinars Help Consumers Put Dietary Guidelines into Practice

    November at 10 a.m. On July 18, the webinar focuses on vegetables with "More Red. More Orange. More ...

  9. OARDC Poultry Scientist Honored for Research Achievements

    invited book chapters, a patent, 14 published gene sequences, eight conference proceedings, 39 abstracts ...

  10. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    lb/day cows are slightly lower at an estimated $10.80/cwt and $11.18/cwt, but this should still be ...
