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Dogs Needed for Research Study
Help with a research project and get an Amazon gift card? Sign me up! Every year, thousands of dogs are relinquished to shelters because of behavioral problems; often these dogs end up being euthanized because the behaviors they display make them unadopta ...
Grow by FarmHer
Attention women in agriculture programs! FarmHer will be visiting Ohio State and putting on their "Grow by FarmHer" event on Friday, February 23, 2018. Their mission is to highlight the women in agriculture and the impact that they are having o ...
Tri-State Sow Housing Conference
Interested in the swine industry? No experience? No problem! Dr. Pairis-Garcia is looking for undergraduate students interested in learning more about career opportunities in swine and connecting students with producers in the state of Ohio. This is an ex ...
Millenkamp Cattle Internship Opportunity
Millenkamp Cattle is looking for an energetic, team-oriented intern that is passionate about animal health and dairy production to work on our calf raising facility and dairies to learn about large herd management. They are looking for a self-motivated in ...
Annual Departmental Student-Faculty Winter Mixer
Do you want to get to know your professors better outside the classroom? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play a competitive game with your professors in animal science? Not to mention… FREE ADRIATICOS! The Winter Mixer is your perfect oppo ...
November 5, 2017
Maplecrest Farms Full-Time Job Opportunity
This is a rare opportunity for a full time beef herd position in Ohio! The position would be salaried and health care would be provided. Housing is an option if needed. For more information, email Joanie or call 937-763-1198. ...
Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Assoc.
$10.00!! By becoming a member, you will be eligible to apply for the Collegiate Washington D.C. Leadership ...
Mental Health Workshop
The Pre-Veterinary Medical Association will be hosting Annie Abraham, clinical therapist, at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, on January 17th from 7-8pm in the VMCA. She will be addressing the topic of mental health and how to per ...
Animal Welfare & Behavior Club Meeting
The first Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting of the semester is January 17th at 5:30 in Enarson 238! Wild Hearts Zoo will be coming to speak about exotic animal welfare and will be bringing some small exotics with them, such as an owl, hedgehog, f ...