
Search results

  1. Local Food Week

    ( You are invited to participate in the $10 Ohio Local Foods challenge by committing to spend at ...

  2. Milking Machines and Milk Quality

    average vacuum in the claw during milking of 10.5 to 12.5" Hg. This normally indicates that the set ... 14 to 15" Hg for high lines. Measurement: Measurement of effective reserve and manual reserve on ...

  3. The Land of “MILC and Honey”- Dairy Policy Watch 2013

    representative farms (~1/10th of US milk supply). Program/Herd Size Catastrophic Margin Mean Reverting Margin ... Milk Income Loss Contract                 1-49 head  16.0 1.06 1.4 0.09 0.7 0.04   4.0 0.27 50-99 head ...   7.2 0.47 50-99 head   33.1 1.60 1.7 0.08 >0 >0   9.8 0.47 100-499 head   92.8 1.56 1.4 0.04 ...

  4. Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety

    typically create overhangs when removing silage.  Generally most unloading equipment can reach 12 to 14 feet ...

  5. Feeding Newborn Calves to Thrive in Cold Weather

    Research Council (Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, 7th rev. ed., 2001. Versions 1.0 computer program, ... recommendations are to feed large breed calves 1.0 lb of milk replacer powder split between two feedings per day ... 1 0.75 1.15 1.26 1.40 1.56 0.5 lb/day 1.00 1.45 1.50 1.70 1.80 0.75 lb/day 1.25 1.55 1.65 1.85 1.95 1.0 ...

  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    $15.44/cwt, but it is projected to drop down to $14.25/cwt in February. The USDA has also dropped their ...

  7. Austin Ayars Memorial Scholarship Launched

    been a premier site for dairy judging teams from across the United States to visit and evaluate high ...

  8. Milk Price Outlook

    prices will likely fall by $.10 per cwt. Current supply and demand conditions suggest that milk prices ...

  9. Procrastination

    Make a list of things that could be accomplished in 10-15 minutes.  Post it someplace that you can see ...

  10. 2005 Average Milk Production for Ohio Dairy Herds by Breed

    Ayrshire 10 17,748 3.93 3.17 Brown Swiss 21 19,324 3.98 3.32 Guernsey 5 16,397 4.63 3.37 Holstein 477 ...
