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  1. From Deer to Bats to Cats, Conference to Focus on Managing Wildlife Conflicts

    program administrator with the Ohio Division of Wildlife, will report on the size and health of Ohio’s ...

  2. Tips and Events for Week of July 16

    percent of Ohio farmers report that their corn is in good or excellent condition, according to the U.S. ...

  3. Ohio State Organic Experts Among OEFFA Conference Speakers

    Certified Organic Survey. Those farms reported sales of about $101 million, a 30 percent jump from the year ...

  4. News tips and events for the week of June 17

    reports. Agronomy experts at The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  5. Ohio State Experts: Tax Schools Offered Statewide November, December and January

    will be on employer reporting requirements, a tax expert with the College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  6. Family Fundamentals: Examine your policy for savings on car insurance

    average cost was more than $2,000. Another report indicates that loyalty doesn’t always pay when it comes ...

  7. Scientists Find Chemical that Causes 'Kidney' Failure in Mosquitoes, May Lead to New Insecticides for Malaria Control

    fever. The discovery is reported in the article " Eliciting renal failure in mosquitoes with ...

  8. Water: the next generation’s oil?

    conservation practices. A copy of the report can be found here: ...

  9. Chow Line: Exercise for the health of it

    years the participants reported their level of physical activity. After eight years, the researchers ...

  10. Chow Line: New Rules Require Calorie Postings in Restaurant Menus

    percent of survey respondents reported noticing the calorie counts, and 12 percent claimed that it ...
