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  1. Family Fundamentals: Program helps protect older adults from scams

    exploitation. Many never report the crime, often because they are ashamed to admit they’ve been scammed or they ...

  2. Media Advisory: Asian Carp in the Ohio River? That and More at Meeting in Columbus

    Kurt Knebusch COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Reporters and the public are invited to attend the 2013 meeting of ...

  3. Event to Feature New Organic Farming Research

    reported U.S. organic farm sales of $3.12 billion in 2012, up from $1.7 billion in 2007. Topics at the ...

  4. Growers: Wheat Nearing Critical Growth Stage, Time to Scout for Foliar Disease

    which is typically the first disease to show up, has already been reported in some fields,” he said. ...

  5. Chow Line: Pre-cut Melons Tied to Multistate Salmonella Outbreak

    Tracy Turner I just heard a report that a brand of pre-cut melons was tied to a salmonella ...

  6. Herbicide Rotation Key in the War Against Weeds

    been found in 25 of Ohio’s 88 counties, Loux said. Five years ago, Palmer amaranth was reported in only ...

  7. Aquaculture Water Quality Workshop Offers Tips to Boost Profitability of Fish Farming

    Understanding your water quality analysis report from the South Centers. How does poor water quality affect your ...

  8. Spotted Wing Drosophila Impacts Berry Crops

    strawberry growers reported up to 50 percent fruit loss in 2012, according to a report from Michigan State ...

  9. Researchers: Toledo Water Crisis Impacted Perceptions of Lake Erie Algae Causes

    and animal agriculture, as well as increasing the levels of reported fear and concern among citizens, ... agriculture and farm runoff and its relationship with water quality and public health on par with how reports ...

  10. July 9 Ohio Sheep Day Offers Insight Into Starting, Expanding Commercial Sheep Production

    Selecting Sheep Equipment. Internal Parasite, Animal Welfare and Animal Behavior Research Report. Approved ...
