Midwest Vegetable Production Guide

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers



The 2013 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers is sold out at the OSU Extension e-store, but is available for free as a pdf below. Print copies can purchased from Purdue here and contain the same information.


Complete Guide (as PDF 11.2 M in 208 pages) Last Updated: March 15, 2013 (see change history)

Reference Information

PDF Page

Crop Recommendations

PDF Page

What's New in 2013? Asparagus, Herbicide Management Table
State Extension Educators Cole Crops, Herbicide Management Table
Soils and Fertility Cucurbits, Product/Disease Rating Table
Soil Testing Cucurbits, Herbicide Management Table
Macronutrients or Primary Nutrients Fruiting Vegetables, Product/Disease Rating Table
Petiole Sap Testing Fruiting Vegetables, Herbicide Management Table
Fertilizer and the Environment Leafy Vegetables, Herbicide Management Table
Fertilizer Application Methods Legumes, Herbicide Management Table
Liming and Soil pH Garlic, Onions, and Leeks, Herbicide Management Table
Chemigation Management Potatoes, Herbicide Management Table
Organic Matter and Cover Crops Root Crops: Beet, Carrot, Horseradish, Radish, and Turnip, Herbicide Management Table
Transplants Sweet Corn, Herbicide Management Table
Transplant Production  
Transplant Containers Asian Vegetables
Seeding and Growing Asparagus
Diseases Basil
Seed Treatments Beet
Irrigation, Mulches, Frost Controls Broccoli
Using Plastic Mulch Brussels Sprouts
Irrigation and Water Management Cabbage
Frost Control Cantaloupe
Pollination Carrot
Bees and Pollination Cauliflower
Time from Pollination to Market Maturity Collards
Pesticide Information and Safety Cowpea
Precautions with Pesticides Cucumber
Handling Pesticides Dry Bean
Reduced-risk/Biopesticides Eggplant
Pesticide Record-Keeping Form Endive
Organic Vegetable Production Garlic
Production Tables Herbs
Yields of Vegetable Crops Kale
Postharvest Handling and Storage Life Leek
Conversions for Liquid Pesticides Lettuce (Head and Leaf)
Germination and Growing Guide Lima Bean
Pesticide Use in Greenhouses and High Tunnels Mint (Peppermint and Spearmint)
Using a Plant Diagnostic Lab Mustard
Farm Labor Law Information Okra
On-farm Food Safety Onion (Bulb and Green)
Insect Management Parsley
Insect Management Strategies Parsnip
PHIs and REIs for Insecticides Pea
Common Names of Registered Insecticides Pepper
Plant Parasitic Nematode Management Strategies Potato
Weed Management Pumpkin
Weed Management Strategies Radish
Herbicide Effectiveness Rhubarb
PHIs and REIs for Herbicides Snap Bean
Common Names of Registered Herbicides Spinach
Disease Management Squash
Disease Management Strategies Sweet Corn
PHIs and REIs for Fungicides Sweet Potato
Common Names of Registered Fungicides Tomato
Fungicide Resistance Management Turnip
Disease Management with the MELCAST System Turnip Greens
Slug and Snail Control Watermelon
Photos of Pests and Problems