Horticultural Evaluations and Variety Trials
Cultivar and pesticide evaluations by crop.
- Asparagus Variety Trial, 2011-12
- Asparagus Cultivar Evaluation, 2007-9
- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of white mold on cabbage, 2007
- Fresh Market/Slaw and Kraut Cabbage Germplasm Evaluation Results, 2002
- Cabbage Yield Prediction Table, 2002
- Fresh Market/Slaw and Kraut Cabbage Germplasm Evaluation Results, 2001
- Cabbage Research Report, 2000
- Resistance of radish cultivars to Rhizoctonia root and hypocotyl rot and clubroot, 2007
- Evaluation of biopesticides and fungicides to control Rhizoctonia root and hypocotyl rot and clubroot of radish, 2006
- Disease Management in Radish: Varietal, Fungicide, and Biological Tactics, 2004
- Response of radish cultivars to Rhizoctonia hypocotyl rot, clubroot, and soft rot, 2004
- Evaluation of fungicides for the management of Rhizoctonia hypocotyl rot, clubroot and downy mildew in radishes, 2004
- Evaluation of fungicides for the management of Clubroot on radish, 2004
- Evaluation of the strobilurin fungicide Amistar 80WG for the control of Rhizoctonia root rot in radishes, 2004
- Evaluation of cover crops for the management of Rhizoctonia hypocotyl rot and clubroot in radishes, 2004
- Effect of Cover Crops on Rhizoctonia Root and Hypocotyl Rot in Radishes and Thrips Overwintering, 2004
- Northern Ohio Sweet Corn Evaluation, 2013
- Sweet Corn Evaluation, 2011
- Sweet Corn Variety Report, 2011
- Sweet Corn Insecticide Trial, 2010
- Northern Ohio Sweet Corn Evaluation, 2009
- Northern Ohio Sweet Corn Evaluation, 2008
- Sweet Corn Insecticide Trial, 2008
- Ohio Sweet Corn Variety Evaluations, 2008 (Presentation)
- Northern Ohio Sweet Corn Evaluation, 2007
- Sweet Corn Hybrid Tolerance Ratings, 2007
- Northern Ohio Sweet Corn Evaluation, 2005
- Sweet Corn Cultivar Evaluation, 2005
- Northern Ohio Sweet Corn Evaluation, 2004
- Sweet Corn Seed Treatment and Seedling Establishment Trial, 2004
- se and sh2 Sweet Corn Germplasm Evaluation Results, 2001
- se and sh2 Sweet Corn Germplasm Evaluation Results, 2000
- Evaluation of Cucumber Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2006
- Reducing insecticide use in cucurbits through in-furrow seed specific applications, 2004
- Diseases, Pests, & Problems in Pumpkins (iPad/iBook), 2012
- Pumpkin Cultivar Evaluation, 2011
- Pumpkin & Green Pepper Report (ePub), 2011
- Field Evaluation of Microdochium-Resistant Pumpkins, 2009
- Evaluation of Pumpkin Cultivars, 2008
- Evaluation of Powdery Mildew Tolerant Pumpkin Cultivars, 2008
- Powdery Mildew Fungicide Insensitivity Evaluations on Pumpkin Leaves, 2008
- Pumpkin Disease Management Demonstration Trial, 2007
- Evaluation of Pumpkin Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2006
- Pumpkin Cultivar Evaluation in Ohio, 2005
- Powdery Mildew Rankings on Harris Moran Cultivars, 2005
- Integrating powdery mildew tolerance and fungicide disease control programs to maximize economic return for pumpkin production, 2005
- Evaluation of Summer Squash Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2008
- Evaluation of Summer Squash Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2006
- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of powdery and downy mildews of winter squash, 2006
- Organic Squash Disease Management, 2004
- Evaluation of biorational products for the control of powdery mildew on winter squash, 2004
- Evaluation of fungicides and a plant defense booster for the control of powdery mildew of winter squash, 2004
- Evaluation of Watermelon Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2008
- Evaluation of Watermelon Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2006
- Green Pepper Report (ePub), 2012
- Green Pepper Cultivar Evaluation, 2012
- Green Pepper & Pumpkin Report (ePub), 2011
- Green Pepper Cultivar Evaluation, 2011
- Green Pepper Cultivar Evaluation, 2009 (Slideshow)
- Green Pepper Cultivar Evaluation, 2008
- Biopesticides and fungicides for control of Phytophthora blight of peppers, 2007
- Evaluation of Bell Pepper Cultivar for Souther Ohio, 2006
- Evaluation of products for the control of bacterial leaf spot of bell peppers, 2006
- Evaluation of fungicides for control of Phytophthora blight of peppers, 2006
- Green Pepper Cultivar Evaluation, 2005
- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of anthracnose on immature pepper fruit, 2004
- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of bacterial leaf spot of bell peppers, 2004
- Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report, 2005
- Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report, 2002
- Sensory Quality of Multiple Potato Genotypes following Three Methods of Preparation, 2002
- Chemical Pinching of Processing Tomato Blossoms for Fruit Set and Yield Management, 2007
- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of foliar and fruit diseases of processing tomatoes, 2007
- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of foliar and fruit diseases of processing tomatoes part 2, 2007
- Evaluation of products to manage bacterial canker of processing tomatoes, 2007
- Evaluation of fungicides and bactericides for the control of foliar and fruit diseases of processing tomatoes, 2007
- Evaluation of fungicides and application methods for disease control in high tunnel fresh market tomatoes, 2007
- Use of ABA for Processing Tomato Transplant Height Control, 2007
- Evaluation of fungicides for the control of foliar and fruit diseases of processing tomatoes, 2006
- Evaluation of Tomato Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2006
- Evaluation of Fresh Market Tomato Cultivars for Southern Ohio, 2004
- Fresh Market Plum Tomato Cultivar Evaluation, 2004
- Effect of Plug Tray Cell Size on Maturity of Processing Tomatoes, 2004
- Evaluation of fungicides and bactericides for the control of foliar and fruit diseases of processing tomatoes, 2004